Thursday, February 8, 2007

teachers convention in edmonton

We're in Edmonton for the North Central Teachers' Convention Association of the Alberta Teachers' Association. This is an annual event. All Albertan teachers attend such a convention in Today I heard from a range of speakers.
One, retired teacher/comedian/speaker Dave Mitchell offered me something like this:

Feeling a little LONELY?

HATE making decisions?
Then call a MEETING.

have people LISTEN
to you

hand out PAPER
WATCH others sit around

The practical alternative to WORK

I thought of Blair.
Meetings are noticeably absent from my new life. Things seems to continue to function without them.

The conference was a big event. Thousands of teachers in the one location (that's a lot of people with Aspergers). Some of the speakers and topics were excellent. Our boys have been copping a tough time since I heard 'The pampered child" speaker.

While I did THAT, Amanda and the boys were doing THIS... (their last pampering for some time. From now on its, "Go outside and play in the blizzard.")

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