Sunday, March 4, 2007

Heat Wave in Barrhead

The temperature climbed to +12 degrees yesterday and there was some serious melting going on. This was unexpected because there have been very few days that have climbed above zero since we arrived. The snow was sticky enough to make snow balls and snow men. Amanda slept off her night's work. After Hockey, Will and George made a snowbear/man and cleared the driveway (again) and Jack played at a friends house.
Jack (right) and friends

Snow balls

George and Will in the sun. Snow creature in background. Note path and driveway completely free of snow and ice - nice work boys. As I write this (next day) the temperature is back to -15C and I'm about to go outside and clear the fresh snow that fell last night. Soon, no doubt, I'll be joining the growing chorus of Albertans who are complaining about the length of their winter. We've only been here 2 months. The snow arrived in late October. Meanwhile the days are getting longer and I'm awaiting the first flock of geese. Spring is in the air. Nearly.

We saw a moose last weekend having been taken to see it by a kind neighbour. George was impressed by the Moose but later said, "They taste better than they look."

Jack and Will off to school last Tuesday morning. George was at home nursing his snow-covered tonsils (again). Everything's covered in snow.

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