Friday, October 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving long weekend saw action galore. Saturday - Hockey in morning, Smoky Lake in afternoon. Thanksgiving Day at Hewitt's on Sunday plus cross-country training for Jack. Monday - Golf Day for Will, Amanda, Jack and George on the sun-drenched, leaf littered Autumnal slopes of the Barrhead Golf Club.

The Hewitt's Giant Turkey must have been fed with the same stuff as the Smoky Lake pumpkins. This would not have been the kind of turkey that one would have wished to tangle with in a dark alley. The fact that it had been slaughtered, plucked, stuffed, laid on its back and cooked at 375 (degrees Fahrenheit) for many, many hours made it easier for us to relax in its company.

Eating it was not a problem.

The Hewitt's taught us a new (for us) family game called '4 on the couch'. Short-term memories were challenged.

We felt privileged to share such a great Thanksgiving meal with such a fine upstanding Canadian family. How can we ever hope to repay such generosity when the Hewitt's visit us in Australia. Roo Tail Soup? Wombat Stew?

Four-on-the-Couch. Traditional 'extreme' Canadian family game normally played outdoors in sub-zero temperatures, but is was too warm so we played it inside this time. Will's tie was a recent purchase from Harrods.

This looks to me like a candidate for a 'caption competition'. Any suggestions?

The glorious centre piece of the table was a very fancy collapsible paper Turkey that Nadine (school deputy sheriff) had purchased at the Westlock Dollar Store and given to Will for his birthday. For some reason the Hewitts insisted that we take the folding paper turkey home with us. Not sure why...

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