Saturday, March 8, 2008

March (and February, and January...)

To blog or not to blog? Might as well.
Please let others know that we'll be updating this at the beginning of each month.
After a blast of heat in early January, its been a mild summer with little if any rain. A week of hot (30's) weather forecast and it's mid-March. Sunrise this morning over the saltmarsh.

Meet Charlie. Amanda's youngest brother brought his first child (a girl) into the world just a few hours after February 29. Chloe and Charlie are doing very well.

Johnston J. whacks one to backward point and sets off for another run against Barwon Heads.

Mr Harry Potter I presume.

The brothers Johnston before a game. Cricket season is done.

Meet Matt. The Glory Box are having another crack at world domination. Here he is strumming one of his newies. First rehearsal coming in April. Recording in June.

Local madman Flag Man. Has flown the Albertan Flag a few times for us.

Meet Pip and Olive. Olive may yet turn out to be Oliver. We'll have to wait for a bit.

Sav Blanc, Champagne and Chardonnay after a liquid lunch in Queenscliff.

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