Saturday, September 22, 2007

Barrhead Rodeo

The bonecrunching Barrhead Rodeo came to town last weekend. Amanda, Myra, Jack and George indulged in two sessions on Saturday. Will managed one.
The Agrena Ice Rink was used. Each year they put a layer of wood chips a layer of soil and a layer of sand over the ice so that the Cowboys can luxuriate for a moment before being rained upon by massive blows from the nearest deranged bull. One lucky man was gored several metres into the air before landing on the pillow-like softness. He got up again... with a bit of help from several of his mates and even managed to move again - at least I'm pretty sure I saw him twitch at least once.

These people exhibit incedible skill and bravery. Half of them have no fear. The other half are completely mad. As the weekend wore on, there was a considerable growth in the proportion of grimacing people around town who were sporting painful limps, plaster casts and broken faces. It hurt just to look at them.

Dennis the Rodeo Clown is (as we were reliably informed by our children) a very funny man. His repetoire included endless mother-in-law jokes. Also managed to squeeze in a silly dance routine and a whole lot of falling over. Sheer brilliance.

When Jack grows up he'd quite like to be a Rodeo Clown.

Bronco - easy when you know how.

Calf Roping. Rope the fast-moving calf. Leap off your steed. Wrestle calf to the ground and tie its legs in a fancy knot. Truckers hitch? And see if you can do it inside 4 seconds.

These two men Cowboys Roworth and Dayton from Czar, Alberta (that's just around the corner from both Gilt Edge and Oxville and just up the road from Primate - you know, near Hardisty - I just looked it up) now hold the Canadian Team-Roping record. There's not much else you can do in 2.7 seconds.


Myra and Hewitts.

Myra and her old mate Australian Rodeo Cowboy Ben Walsh. Walshy to his mates. Walshy did us proud. And signed our hat.

Amanda and Myra's concentration seemed to stray from the main event - judging by the number of photos of Cowboy's belt buckles and Cowboy boots that are now on our camera. I am assured that they were very discreet and only received threats of violence from two of the Cowboy's girlfriends.

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